Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I have been selected for jury duty an inordinate number of times. I'm 23; this summer marked the third time I'd been selected in my five short years of eligibility.

The first time was mere months after my 18th birthday. I dodged that bullet by citing college-- four full years of having a Get Out Of Jury Duty Free card. Then, last spring, my number was up again-- in Athens. Where I no longer lived. All it took was a phone call to the ACC courthouse to weasel my way out of that one. I must've cheated death, Final Destination-style, because it was only months later that I got summoned again, this time for the county in which I DID live. I was a stand-by juror, though, never wound up having to show up. Foiled again, Judicial Branch!

But really, some people go their whole lives without being summoned more than once or twice. I get picked thrice in five years. Conspiracy? Or maybe I really am meant to go to law school, and the justice system is callin' my name the only way it knows how. I'll have to consider this.

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