Sunday, February 22, 2009

Which Came First?

As I do with most holidays, I had big plans for the day after Valentine's Day. On February 15th, I had one goal and one goal only: half price candy. Unfortunately, I was hungover, only managed to make it to Publix, which was completely devoid of Valentine's Day leftovers. Target would've been a safer bet, but I was here and it was far. You know how it goes on a lazy Sunday.

So my epic February 15th failure-- a regular Valentine's Day massacre, if you will-- just made me long for Easter. It is the opinion of this court that Easter is far and away the best candy holiday there is. Photobucket The rest pale in comparison; they bow down to the superiority that is Easter Sunday. Cadbury Creme Eggs, Cadbury MINI Eggs, Peeps (if you swing that way), chocolate bunnies! But Easter's pièce de résistance, and in fact the clear evidence of its superiority, is the Reese's Egg.

Reese's Peanut Butter cups are delicious treats to be enjoyed year-round. They are imperfect, however, and it is only during the months of March and April that this becomes fully evident. PhotobucketOnce you compare a Reese's Egg to a regular old cup, your life may change for the better. And sure, Reese's makes these chocolatey-and-peanut-buttery concoctions for holidays of all sorts-- Reese's Hearts at Valentine's Day; Reese's Trees at Christmas; Reese's Pumpkins at Halloween. But the secret behind the delectable Egg is its chocolate-to-peanut-buttery-goodness ratio.

See, with regular old cups, the ratio is almost 1:1. Scrumptious but imperfect. Then look at Hearts, Trees and Pumpkins-- all are shaped with grooves and curves, allowing for more chocolate-- too much chocolate. PhotobucketOnly the Egg, in its sleek oval glory, reaches the golden ratio of peanut-buttery perfection. Old Man Reese's really broke the mold when he came up with these delightful candies. And every other holiday may nip at the heels of the Egg, and those cheap imitations may satisfy 10 months out of the year, but come springtime, I have but one love. And he didn't come from a chicken.

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