Friday, September 10, 2010

Deja Vu

I knew something seemed familiar earlier this summer when I told you my Diet Coke explosion story. I should have known that I'd told the internet before. Indeed, tonight I stumbled upon my old blog that I updated frequently at the end of high school and in early college, then less frequently as the years passed. One of the last entries details the story you already know well, but as this is my blog, I'm going to let you read it again-- this time, in the words of 20-year-old Amy. Feel free to skip to the TL;DR.

"Speaking of Diet Coke, I have a story for you. Okay, let me start out by saying that Michelle and I scour Athens for cheap Cokes, being the Diet Coke fiends that we are. In any case, last week or so we discovered that Eckerds had 12-packs of Coke four for $6 after a mail-in rebate. So of course we each bought four. Then the next day we found out that Kroger had Cokes five for $10 without having to do any kind of rebate, which is pretty well incredible, so each of us bought five more. So I had all these cases of Coke in my backseat, and gradually I'd carry them up to my apartment when I came home, but they're heavy, so I couldn't get more than two at a time, and I'd often forget to bring any up. So today I was driving, on the phone with David, when all of a sudden I heard a pop and then a fzzzzzzz. And I knew what was up. So I pulled over at a gas station and got out and ran around to the backseat and pulled the two cases that were on the seat out of the car. Only one of them was wet-- and leaking everywhere-- but then I pulled a can out of the other case and it was bloated like they get when you leave them in the freezer for too long-- rotund with the top part puffing up. This doesn't seem like something Cokes can just bounce back from. So I was talking to David, and we decided I should just cut my losses and get rid of the offending cases. Of course the gas station trash cans were the kind with small openings with flaps, and so I had to run each leaking case of Coke over to the trash can where I'd have to wrestle it into the too-small opening. Who knows how crazy everyone must've thought the weird girl shoving cases of Coke into trash cans was. In any case, the moral of the story is I need to go back to Kroger and buy more Cokes."

I think I liked it better the first time I told it. Aren't you supposed to cringe at all your old writing? Well I reread things I've written in the past and am quite pleased with myself. I think my writing has gotten worse as time has progressed-- probably because I'm required to do it less.

In any case, still don't leave Diet Coke in hot cars. That's the true moral of the story. Also, I'm out of Diet Coke-- maybe I'll go check out Eckerds and Kroger tomorrow.

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