Saturday, January 31, 2009

What's G? I Wish I Knew

Let me set the scene. It's a few weeks back. Roommate Leslie and I are lounging in the living room, watching the Rose Bowl on ESPN and chatting. During a commercial break, an ad came on that caught our eye-- a black and white montage of faces, athletes if we assumed correctly, set to a simple music track with a voiceover. We were mesmerized. "What could this be?" we thought, entranced. At the commercial's end, the logo appeared-- a simple G, in a font specific to no brand we could recognize. We exchanged wide-eyed looks before both diving for our Macbooks, Googling and YouTubing the hell out of every keyword we could think of. No query went untyped; no query was answered. The thick aura of defeat filled the room. Minutes passed and shoulders sagged as we accepted that we'd never find out what the "G" commercial had been for.

Until days later, that is. Leslie read somewhere that it was for Gatorade. Gatorade? First of all, I don't drink liquid jeanshorts. Second of all, is Gatorade so pompous to believe that they can air an ad like that and not include any mention of their logo, their story, their beverage? No mention, in fact, of any beverage?

I've since discovered on a grocery trip that the "G" from the commercial now adorns the bottles of Gatorade instead of their old logo with the lightning bolt. I still stand by my indignation. If you want me to drink your drink, Gatorade, sell it, not an impenetrable ad concept set to (what I've now discovered to be) Lil Wayne's voiceover.

The ad in question:

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