Sunday, February 8, 2009

Wish List

Today was a beautiful day-- one of the first in at least a little while. The perfect day to play outside. Almost.

Things I Wish I Had Today

A Frisbee. The better to play outside, my dear.

A football. See: above.

More sun. Only, maybe a slightly less terrifying sun than that one. It may have been approaching 70 degrees outside, but it was cloudy and overcast where I am. Today was sorely lacking in vitamin D.

A tan. Instead of frolicking outdoors today, I went to the gym. In 70 degree weather it's clearly too hot to sweat in workout pants-- it was a Soffe shorts kind of day. Unfortunately, my legs have been in hibernation for months and are ghostly pale. My vehement refusal to pay for things I can get for free means I've never been to a tanning bed (oh, yeah, and the cancer thing), so I'll just have to wait for more days like these for my melanin fix.

Math skills. Here's an equation for you: I'm vaguely studying for the GRE + I barely remember how to carry the two + I haven't taken a math class in almost six years = This sucks.

Scrooge McDuck
A billion dollars. I'm getting off track.

My computer tells me that tomorrow's high is 67 degrees. You've got my list, Universe. Make it happen.

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