Tuesday, February 10, 2009


It's that time again! That's right, that time when I have no ideas for actual substantial blog posts and resort to sharing links and mildly amusing commentary. Fun for the whole family!

1. This Is Why You're Fat

A photographic catalogue of the most disgusting and caloric foods ever created. Is it wrong that some of these look delicious? I mean, a 60-pound Rice Krispie treat! Bacon chocolate chip cookies! Deep fried Coca Cola!

2. TV Tropes

The wiki to end all wikis of creative cliches and devices. I could click through this for hours reading about the Firefly effect, jumping the shark or the classic Deus Ex Machina as they appear in TV, movies, literature and the like.

3. Traveler IQ Challenge

I'm betting you think you're pretty smart. Maybe even worldly. I did once-- until I got utterly shamed by this geography game. It's addictive, if only because I feel like I should be scoring much higher than I actually do.

4. The State of the Web: Winter 2009

If you're not sure what's going down on the intertubes these days, this will clear things up for you. The same guy who brought the world 9 Reasons Not To Date A Tyrannosaurus Rex and Things Bears Love takes you on a cleverly illustrated walk down recent-memory lane.

5. Death Cab's Autotune Campaign

DCFC speaks out against Autotune. In related news, Bon Iver and T-Pain joined forces on an anti-Ben Gibbard campaign.

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